Sunday, February 9, 2020

Process Text Example - Teks Proses dalam Bahasa Inggris, contoh teks Bahasa Inggris

Btw aku capek nulis/ngetik introduction heheh. Langsung aja yah guys, Ini contoh process text dalam bahasa Inggris yang aku buat. Happy reading and learning!
*Don't copas at all (less than 20% is ok)
*Please paraphrase it when u want to use this
*Sorry for grammar mistakes, typos, etc
*Thanks for you visit to my blog, hope u satisfied!

Effective Ways to Learn English
English is one of the most important languages in the world. Even in Indonesia, English is a compulsory subject in almost all levels of school, from elementary school to college. English is also very important when applying for jobs. Therefore, who doesn't want to be able to speak English quickly in a short time? How to quickly learn English? Of course there is a fast way to learn English and what determines success certainly depends on each person because the ability of people is different. But with regular practice and learning, I'm sure we can learn English easily and quickly. If you really want to know how to learn English quickly and effectively, here I have 3 ways for learning English effectively. First destroy the mental blocks, second memorize frequently used vocabulary, and third practice routines.
First of all, have you ever heard the term mental block? Mental block is an obstacle that disturbs you mentally to do something. Mental block is a negative thing that fills a person's mind which results in someone failing to do an activity, or at least being afraid and anxious. The examples of mental blocks that prevent you from learning English is when you think that learning English is difficult, a waste of time, and very unlikely. Then, how is the solution to prevent the mental block? Here I have a solution that you have to have your positive thoughts. Think that learning English is easy and fun. Think that learning English doesn't take long time, just 15 minutes per day. Think that mastering English will make it easy for all your life events and to bring fortune.
Second, memorize frequently used vocabulary. Previously, did you know someone who is good at speaking English? Well, actually the person does not necessarily really master English. That person just looks smart in your point of view. The person looks smart because you may not know what is being said, do not understand, or lack mastery of the vocabulary spoken. However, don't think that after seeing the person you are discouraged and think that you are not smart or not as smart as that person. Don't think negatively about yourself. There are several factors why people are considered good at English. Someone who can speak good English is able to answer your questions. Everything you ask, that person will be able to answer correctly, precisely, and straightforwardly. Then someone is considered good at English because that person can communicate with English. If people are able to communicate in English then they will be considered good at speaking English. Well, that was some things if someone was considered good at speaking English. Now, you must have high motivation in order to be like those who are good at speaking English. One key is to memorize various vocabulary words that are often spoken. To find out frequently used vocabulary, you can buy a daily conversation book at a nearby store. Memorize a storytelling is also a good thing to do, so you can speak with a good expression when interacting with other people.
Last, when you read an article about how to quickly learn English, then you don't think that you really can master English quickly. You have to know what quick meaning is here first. Quick here means you learn English in accordance with the correct steps, so you do not in vain learn English. We have learned English since elementary school, but in reality until now it is still not fluent in English. That is the reason why learning English might not be effective. Quick here is to avoid the useless learning process like that, so hopefully every time you learn English, your abilities are increasing. For this reason, when you learn English you must be patient and consistent. Just like when you memorize vocabulary. Put a target a day to memorize 3 new vocabulary words. Then a week to make writing in English at least 3 paragraphs or watching movies without subtitles. Study hard and diligently so that in the future you can master English at least passively. If you want to be active in English, then you also have to be active and creative like finding friends from other countries to communicate. You also have to be diligent in visiting tourist attractions that are often visited by foreign tourists so that you will practice to speak English.
In conclusion, in my opinion there are 3 fast and effective ways to learn English as I explained above. First destroy the mental blocks, second memorize frequently used vocabulary, and last practice routines. In the future, English will be one language that is very useful for all aspects of life. In fact, it can be a mandatory thing to implement since global conditions are currently affected by various advanced technologies which involved English language. So what are you waiting for? Learn English from now.

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