Sunday, February 9, 2020

Example of Procedure Text - Contoh Teks Prosedur dalam Bahasa Inggris

Halooooo Haii hehe
Guys kalau kalian ada tugas sekolah atau kuliah disuruh bikin teks prosedur or procedure text, soo? U are going to the right wayyy!! Jadi, ini adalah teks prosedur yang aku bikin. Tapi, ingat ini adalah teks procedure dengan format essay, bukan poin per poin. Jadi guys, essay itu ada macam-macam, dan procedural text ini termasuk dalam kategori academic essay writing. Kalau kalian diberi tugas seperti ini, kalian bisa pakai teks ku untuk referensi, judulnya how to make driving license. Oh ya, ini aku ngeset setting kontennya di Indonesia ya. SO, LETS CHECK IT OUT!

*mohon maaf jika masih terdapat kesalahan grammar, typo, misunderstood, etc
*thank you for visiting my blog:)

How to Make Driving License
In modern times like nowadays, most of people will prioritize something practical and fast because of the demands of time to go from one place to another place. One type of vehicle that is used by almost all people especially in Indonesia is motorcycle. Going to anywhere using land transportation called motorcycle is something easy and fast. Compared to public transportation or walking, people are prefer to use motorcycle because they are more efficient. And today it became easier to have the motorcycle because there are many purchasing options available such as credit that is accessible to everyone with payment month by month. Now, we already know that it is easier and more efficient to go to anywhere by motorcycle, but before you can drive by your own, make sure that you have a driving license. Having driving license is something that is not less important. You don’t have to be worried anymore while you are driving because sometimes there is such traffic operation on certain road by police than could happen anywhere and anytime. Besides that, having driving license means that you are old enough and fulfil the driving capability. If you have fulfil the criteria for driving motorcycle but you don’t know how to make the license, just don’t worry. Here, I will explain brief details about how to make driving license especially the C driving license for motorcycle. There are three ways that you must follow to get your driving license.
First of all, you must prepare all the documents needed before you go to police office. You must prepare documents such as identity card (KTP) and health test letter from doctor. If you haven’t ask for the letter, you can go to the doctor inside of the police office. Usually the office provide a doctor to do health test. In addition, you must have a recommendation letter from head of the neighborhood and village chief. In some cases, you have to bring those letters which stated that you are proposing for driving license. After that, prepare the fee to register yourself at the office. Usually it costs less than or more than Rp100,000 rupiahs. It includes theory test and practical test but exclude health test. Next, take the application letter at the resort police office and fill the data based on your real condition and don’t forget to put your valid identity. For instance, it is better to go to the police office in the early morning because there will be long queue if you come to the office in late morning.
The second way in making driving license is that you must follow two kind of tests. First test is theory test and then practical test. The first test that you must follow is theory test. You will have a test about some basic traffic knowledge and traffic rules. Basically, the theory test will held in a room using computer in turn with others, so you must be patient to wait for your turn. The next test after you passed the theory test is practical test. You will have a test to drive in U-way, 8-way, and or T-way without falling down or step down your feet. You have chance to try until 3 times. Make sure you drive carefully so you will be able to pass all the challenge. Therefore, before you apply for this driving license, I suggest you to do some practices far from the D-day. The purpose is to stabilize your driving speed, balance, and of course the technique. Many people are failed to do the practice test that is why now you can get the driving license easily by paying more to the people from inside. But, never mind, I believe if you practice your skill, you will be able to pass all the tests. If you fail in the practical test, you may come to the police office again the next week and take the practical test without following the theory test anymore.
Last but not least, if you are able to pass both of theory and practical test, you will have photo session. The photo taken will be used to display on the driving card. So, this way, don’t forget to wear appropriate clothes and set yourself at your best of all. Besides that, you will take a fingerprint in the office to verify your identity. Then, just wait for some hours or few days if you take the test close to the weekend. Finally, the driving license is available and you can drive safely on road anywhere and anytime. Please do remember to bring your driving card whenever you go by your motorcycle. Because we never know the thing that will happen in the future or something unexpected that may come to us.
Having driving card license is easy but if you do not pay attention to the steps, please be careful and prepare all things necessary. So, generally all you need to do is just prepare all the things at better way. Do not ever forget all documents required when you will apply for the driving license. Follow all the steps and do not left anything because this is an important thing to do. Furthermore, you may visit the nearest police office or consult to people who have experienced in making driving license. Hereby, I conclude that the way to make driving license is consist of three steps, first is prepare all documents, second is follow the tests, and last is take photo.

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