Sunday, February 9, 2020

Example of Description Text - My Bedroom (Contoh Teks Deskriptif dalam Bahasa Inggris) - Deskripsi Kamar

Halo, buat kalian yang lagi nyari referensi tugas Bahasa Inggris tentang descriptive text atau teks deskriptif, ini aku ada contoh teks tentang deskripsi kamar tidur. Semoga bisa jadi referensi yang menarik buat kalian yaah... Oh iya kalau kamu lagi bikin tugas, jangan dicopas sama persis ya hihi, kalian kembangkan sendiri atau dirubah-rubah sesuai kondisi kamar kalian masing-masing :) So, happy reading all! Btw, masih ada beberapa grammar yang salah saya mohon maaf yang sebesar-besarnya :( but its ok, still understandable kok hehe.. 

Description of My Bedroom
My Cozy Private Bedroom
Bedroom is a part of the house that is no less important than the other rooms. Almost every houses has bedroom of at least two bedrooms in each house. Besides the bedrooms, there are other rooms that are generally owned by most people who has a house. Every room in the house has its own function. As we have seen, bedroom has function as a place to take a rest, take a nap, sleep at night, or become a private place. In addition, the bedroom can be one of the favorite rooms for some people just like me. This is because people already feel comfortable while they are in their own bedroom. The bedroom now not only has function as a place to take a rest or sleep. But it also has function as a place to study for students or college students, a place to read books, do hobbies like drawing, playing games, or playing music, and as a place to eat privately. I also have my bedroom in my house and for me this bedroom is the most comfortable and cozy place than all the rooms in my house. The bedroom become a friend and a room to do my daily activities or all things I want to do by myself. Therefore, I will describe how is my bedroom which is the reason why I consider it as the most comfortable and cozy place.
First of all, my bedroom is located on the second floor of my house. So, if I want to go to bed or take a rest I have to walk through the stairs first. Then I should walk few steps aside from the stairs, and there is my bedroom door. My bedroom doesn’t have a door like a common people have in their bedroom. My bedroom was only covered by pink door curtains with tulip motifs. When you have entered my bedroom, you will see a room measuring around 7 meters x 2.5 meters. So that my bedroom looks elongated. But it is no problem because I feel enjoy here.
There are a many things that you can find in my bedroom. I have a bed, two small tables, one dresser table, one buffet, a TV and a book shelf. First you will see my shelf which is near the door. The shelf has 3 doors. I use this shelf to organize books, novels, dictionaries, accessories, modules, and various college books. At the first door there are some accessories that I keep on the shelf just like cellphone boxes, pencil cases, canting for batik, pins, tape, glue, staples, colored pencils, and many more. Then at the second door of the shelf I organize various novels, dictionaries, and scientific books. I like horror, philosophy, fiction and scientific books. So that I also have many philosophical books, horror novels, literature books, and several language dictionaries. All of these books are organized in the shelf. Next, at the third door, there are several study materials such as modules, photocopies, college books, notebooks, and the others which are related to my college. Why do I put college books at the very bottom? Because I also put some of my college books and modules on the floor and in front of the shelf because the shelf were not able to organize all of my college things. On the right side of the shelf, there are several pieces of papers and books. On top of the books there is a canvas that I can use to paint anytime I want to do. Then there is the floor bed that I always use it to sleep. I prefer floor bed than spring beds because I am afraid of falling to the floor while sleeping. I also often put books on my bed. Sometimes I do the homework on the bed also. I usually sleep in a south position perpendicular to my bed. On the bed, as usual, there is a pillow, a bolster and a yellow blanket. Next to the bed, to the west of the bed, there is a small buffet and there is a TV on it. The buffet only contains computer devices such as a mouse and pen tablet. Next to the sideboard is the CPU that I usually turn on when I want to use the computer. I use the computer screens from the TV itself. So I use TV more often as a computer than to watch any shows on TV. In front of the monitor there is a keyboard and also a mouse. There are also speakers above the CPU. In addition, on the buffet there is also a fan that I often turn it on when I feel hot in my room. The fan is small and has combination of cream, brown and white color. The other thing in my room is a dressing table. I believe every women have a dressing table in their room. My dressing table is located in the right corner east of my bed room. I filled the dressing table with a variety of simple make-up tools ranging from moisturizer, cleanser, hand body, and others. I also put my stationary on the dressing table because I was confused about where to put them because my room was too full. Under the dressing table there are two doors that can be used to organize something just like a buffet. Inside of them, I place some book of binders and some of my clothes. Next to the dressing table, there is a small study table that I never used to study. The table is made of wood and resembles the tables in the TPA. On the table it was full of various books, exam questions, material sheets, ex-class assignments, painting tools, and various other books. I saved a lot of books so I did not know where the book should be placed so I collected them in one and then I put them in small bags like tote bag. I still have one more study table. This one is smaller than the previous table. I often use this table to write, do assignments, draw, or play laptops. When I'm working on a task with a laptop, I always use the table. This table is my favorite table because it can be folded and easily carried anywhere.
That was the brief description of my bed room which is quite simple enough. The bedroom for me was one of the inspirational rooms because I often did assignments at night in this room. I can concentrate and finish my task as soon as possible. Then, back to the first question, the reason why I feel very comfortable in my room because there are a lot of books, the atmosphere was good, not cold not hot, and in this room I could do anything including my hobbies.

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