Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Pengalaman Apply Kerja di salah satu startup logistic di Indonesia

 As a result, we have decided to pursue other candidates who more closely fit our needs

Itu adalah kalimat yang masuk ke emailku hari ini wkwkwkwkwk.

Hai, aku mau curhat aja nih tentang pengalaman lamar kerja di salah satu startup di Indonesia. Dia ini startup di bidang logistik. Ya, semacam shipping company namun dia klaim bahwa merupakan aplikasi pintar, teknologi, dan sebagainya. Hmmm saya paham kok si company ini bergerak di bidang apa. You just complicate yourselves.

Jadi awalnya, aku ini kan jobseeker ya, sejak Juli kemarin gara-gara sesuatu. Lalu, sekitar minggu lalu hari Senin/Selasa aku apply di perusahaan ini. Dia sedang membuka lowongan untuk Customer Service Agent penempatan di kantor pusat Jakarta. Karena aku memang sedang ingin masuk di dunia CS, jadilah aku apply. Awalnya ragu-ragu karena terlihat ribet. Dan memang nyatanya ribet hahaha.

Dia posting lowongan kerja melalui LinkedIn, ada juga di Jobstreet. Kalian tau kan fitur easy apply di LinkedIn, nah dia itu tidak mau menerima yang hanya klik easy apply. Ada syarat-syarat lamaran yang harus diikuti. Hal itu berujung aku harus apply pekerjaannya melalui email.

Dengan persyaratan yang super ribet. Aku juga harus menjawab banyak sekali pertanyaan yang detail dan banyak dan detail haduh. Kenapa sih.

Aku sudah effort banyak nih menjawab pertanyaan dari dokumen yang dia suruh. Lalu ku kirim melalui email beserta beberapa berkas lainnya seperti CV, transkip nilai, dsb. Nah dan sorenya aku mendapatkan balasan untuk melampirkan detail pengalaman kerjaku setelah lulus kuliah.

Oke, sorenya aku langsung mengirimkan dokumen yang dia minta lagi. Lalu keesokan sorenya mereka membalas emailku dan mengirim BANYAK SEKALI tes tertulis. Aku engga tau lagi, dia mau ngadain berapa kali tahap tes sih.

Serius demi apa, ini adalah salah satu pengalaman apply kerja yang sangat ribet, wasting time, dan tidak fokus ke skill aja. Ibaratnya kita sekolah di SMK jurusan DKV tapi dikejar untuk bisa matematika, fisika, kimia, ekonomi, dll hehe.

Tapi karena aku sedang butuh ya aku kerjain aja tuh soal dari mereka. Aku sampai begadang semalam sampai paginya masih aku kerjain. Soalnya banyak banget dan riweuh, udah seperti tes masuk kedokteran aja. Dari semua soal tersebut tidak ada satupun yang membahas masalah posisi yang diapply, misalkan apa yang kamu ketahui tentang posisi Customer Service? Bagaimana menghadapi customer, dan sebagainya. Itu tidak ada cuy. Heran aku. Malah dia lebih fokus ke pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang menurutku kurang cocok ditanyakan pada tahap awal sekali.

Aku melalui tes tertulis kedua dengan susah payah, karena ada tes excel juga, banyak pula, banyak banget. Psikotes juga banyak banget soalnya sampai aku pusing. 

Belum lagi dia ngasih soal sendiri terpisah di body email dan harus aku kerjakan dan submit sebelum deadline. Sangat-sangat hihhhh 

Lalu, dia jawab kalau ada beberapa jawabanku salah dan diminta untuk perbaiki. Baiklah aku revisi dan kirim ulang semua berkas yang dia minta. Nah setelah itu dia masih nanya lagi ke aku, katanya ada yang belum dijawab. Aku bingung, aku berpikir mungkin kurang detail apa ya, kurang ini itu apa ya. Jadilah aku kirim ulang jawabanku yang menurutku itu sudah benar.

Setelah 3 hari terlewati (weekend dan hari Senin) akhirnya pada hari ini sore tadi aku mendapat email dan ada kalimat di atas sendiri tertuliskan disana.

WKWKWKWK gila engga sih. Ini perusahaan maunya apa sih. Tes tertulis bejibun nan ribet berujung tidak lolos ke tahap selanjutnya yaitu wawancara.

Ngomongin soal tertulis yang dia kirim, itu soal super duper banyak, dan detail. Gila banget pokoknya. Lumayan wasting time wkwk. Setidaknya kalau interview dulu itu kan lebih oke gitu daripada tes tertulis banyak banget gini ujung-ujungnya tidak dapat kesempatan interview. Kalau interview dulu kan setidaknya kita tidak begitu effort di awal. Alangkah baiknya interview HR terlebih dahulu baru setelah lolos maka diminta untuk tes tertulis banyak pun tidak masalah.

Sangat sangat melelahkan, itu tadi pengalaman apply kerja di salah satu startup logistik Indonesia yaa. Cuma mau sharing sharing aja aku haha. 

Aku sangat menghargai perusahaan yang fokus pada skill dan motivasi kandidat. Bukan lebih ke sisi akademis si kandidat. Seharusnya perusahaan melihat bagaimana motivasi dan kondisi calon kandidat tersebut. Apakah bisa dikembangkan, dibina, diupgrade, dsb. Bukan mencari manusia dengan spek ultraman.

Kuliah Sambil Kerja Sambil Organisasi... Why not? | Pengalaman Kerja Kuliah dan Organisasi

Hai hai teman-teman! Apa kabar? Selamat datang di blog saya! Langsung saja kali ini aku ingin berbagi cerita atau mungkin sebuah referensi bagi kalian yang masih bingung atau ragu-ragu untuk kuliah sambil kerja atau sambil organisasi juga. Baiklah mari kita simak tulisan dan pengalaman pribadiku berikut ini ya..

Hm, berdasarkan pengalaman pribadiku ya, kuliah sambil kerja bahkan sambil organisasi sangatlah mungkin untuk kita lakukan. Yang terpenting adalah bagaimana kalian mengatur itu semua, baik waktu, tenaga, maupun finansial.

Aku adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak orang yang menjalani kuliah sambil kerja sambil organisasi. Meskipun aku tidak kuliah di kampus bergengsi (hehe) tapi aku sangat senang bisa melakukan banyak hal semasa kuliahku. Karena aku menyesal dulu saat masih sekolah, aku adalah orang yang kurang aktif di berbagai kegiatan. Makanya, kuliah ini aku jadikan kesempatan untukku melakukan berbagai kegiatan sekaligus menambah pengalaman. Yak, salah satunya adalah kuliah sambil bekerja.

Mungkin di luar sana banyak sekali mahasiswa dan mahasiswi yang menjalani kuliah sambil bekerja teman-teman. Aku yakin banyak yang seperti itu. Selain karena biaya hidup yang semakin meroket, ternyata kadang kita juga dituntut untuk memiliki setidaknya satu pengalaman kerja meski hanya menjadi penjaga toko atau pelayan cafe! Ketika lulus nanti, bisa saja kalian ditanyai oleh HRD tentang pengalaman kerja kalian. Jadi, buat kalian yang ingin kuliah sambil kerja, jangan ragu-ragu untuk mencobanya ya! Aku yakin kalian akan lebih siap menghadapi dunia kerja setelah lulus kuliah nanti.

Apapun pekerjaannya, jalani saja! Kalian bisa kerja part time, full time, atau bahkan kerja lepas yang sering disebut freelance. Tentunya semua punya kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing. Dari pengalaman pribadiku, aku pernah menjalani pekerjaan part time dan juga freelance teman-teman. Namun, aku mengalami kendala saat aku menjalani pekerjaan part time ku, jadi aku memutuskan untuk berhenti kerja part time. 

Aku memiliki kendala di waktu, jadi aku waktu itu kerja sebagai pramuniaga di sebuah swalayan di daerahku. Jam kerjanya dibagi dua shift dan shiftnya diacak (tidak bisa memilih). Shift pertama pukul 09.00 - 16.00 shift kedua pukul 12.00 - 20.30. Terkadang kita juga harus lembur jadi dari pagi sampai malam harus bekerja di swalayan tersebut. Aku sangat kesulitan mengatur waktu karena jam kuliahku adalah pagi pukul 08.30 sampai 14.00 saat itu. Sehingga, aku terpaksa mengundurkan diri padahal aku baru seminggu bekerja teman-teman. Walaupun aku hanya bekerja selama seminggu, tetapi aku sedikit mendapat ilmu dari situ. Intinya, kalau kita bekerja, kita harus ramah terhadap pengunjung dan sabar hehe. Jadi, jangan merendahkan orang yang bekerja sebagai pramuniaga toko yaa!

Kerja part time bisa menjadi ide yang bagus buat kalian yang memiliki waktu kuliah cukup longgar. Karena biasanya kerja part time itu minimal 4 jam sehari sampai 6 jam. Ini rata-rata ya, mohon maaf kalau aku salah prediksi hehe. Kalau kalian adalah maba alias mahasiswa baru, bisa banget gunain waktu kalian di semester 1 untuk kerja part time. Namun disisi lain, kerja part time juga justru bisa menjadi bumerang bagi kalian apabila tidak bisa membagi waktu dengan benar. Takutnya malah keteteran, kuliah tidak fokus, kerja pun tidak fokus. Jadi saran aku ya, kalau memang kalian masih dibiayai orang tua, tidak ada masalah ekonomi yang berarti, lebih baik fokus belajar saja bestie.

Selain part time, ada opsi lain yaitu freelance. Ada banyak sekali pilihan pekerjaan freelance yang bsia kalian lakukan. Contohnya mengajar, menulis, editor, content creator, jualan online, jualan netflix, dan sebagainya. Kalau kalian merasa memiliki keunggulan di bidang digital, bisa tuh kalian coba jualan online sambil live di tiktok misal. Yang jago edit-edit video, foto, bikin konten-konten lucu-lucuan atau kreatif, bisa banget. Ini paling enak sih menurut aku. Selain bebas, tidak terikat waktu, kalian juga tidak perlu menghadapi tuntutan yang berat dibanding mungkin mengajar atau menulis. Karena basicnya adalah kalian bekerja sendiri bukan kerja untuk orang lain. Tetapi kalau memang kalian lebih nyaman pekerjaan seperti menulis atau mengajar juga tidak masalah! That's amazing!!!

Itu tadi ngomongin kuliah sambil kerja ya. Nah, gimana dong kalau pengen ikut organisasi aja? Boleh banget bestie. Kalau kalian orangnya suka berkegiatan, beraktivitas, bersibuk-sibuk gitu kalian cocok join organisasi. Pastikan kalian bergabung dengan organisasi kampus yang kalian suka ya. Jangan lupa ada baiknya bertanya-tanya dulu kepada kakak tingkat atau senior-senior yang mungkin sudah memiliki pengalaman organisasi di organisasi yang kalian hendak pilih. Bagaimana culturenya, sistem keorganisasiannya, posisinya apa saja, berapa kali rutin kegiatan, apakah ada rapat rutin setiap minggu, apakah rutin mengadakan acara, apakah ada danus alias dana usaha, dan sebagainya. Lagi-lagi aku ingatkan, jangan sampai mengganggu tugas utama kalian sebagai mahasiswa ya. Organisasi hanyalah opsi kegiatan di perkuliahan, bukan kewajiban. Semisal amit-amit ternyata di organisasinya banyak redflag?? Aku saranin buat keluar aja sih. Intinya ya diatur saja ya teman-teman bagaimana kalian menata waktu, tenaga, dan pikiran saja.

Jadi bagaimana? Apa kalian sudah menentukan akan kuliah saja, atau sambil kerja atau sambil aktif ikut organisasi kampus atau malah ketiganya? Tidak masalah! Kalian hebat, meski tidak kerja dan tidak ikut organisasi pun bukan masalah pula! Semua harus dipertimbangkan baik-baik. Jangan sampai menyesal. Good luck buat siapapun yang sedang memasuki masa-masa perkuliahan yang membagongkan ini :) 


Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Translation | Figure of Speech | Kind of Figurative Language in Translation | Indonesian - English

1.      Generalization
-          “Aqua” is used when we want to buy mineral water in form of bottle
-          “Pelayaran” used to mean navigating the ocean with a sailboat now the word means navigating the ocean with a motorized boat
2.      Specialization
-          “Server” is a server on IT as hardware
-          “Sarjana” used to refer to scholars or smart people or knowledge people now used to refer to people who have graduated from the undergraduate level in college
3.      Amelioration
-          “Buta” became “tunanetra”
-          “Bini” became “Istri”
4.      Pejoration
-          “Langsam” in colonial era it mean slow but how it mean step
-          “Pramuniaga” became “pelayan toko”
-          “Talak” became “cerai”
5.      Synesthesia
-          “Ngeri-ngeri sedap” refer to thing that almost illegal
-          “Tajam” refer to easy to hurt or look fierce or angry
6.      Association
-          Kembang we think of “Kembang desa, kembang api, etc”
-          “Gulung tikar” doesn’t mean gulung tikar itself but it refer to go bankcrupt
7.      Metaphor
-          “Kembang pasir” refer to cat’s pop
-          “Kembang desa” refer to the most beautiful girl in a village
-          Raja siang telah terbit di pagi hari yang indah

A Methodology for Translation | Metode Penerjemahan

Dear readers, my apologize I forgot where this material taken from. I think this material is taken from pdf of Translation Book Theory of course but I forgot which one that I used. This is a resume from the more complete material. So, I hope you can use this as your reference for doing your assignment. Thank you. Once I found the source I will put it here. My apologize!

A Methodology for Translation
Translators can choose from two methods of translating, namely direct, or literal translation and oblique translation. Translators may also notice gaps, or "lacunae", in the target language (TL) which must be filled by corresponding elements, so that the overall impression is the same for the two messages. Oblique translation methods offers the first three direct procedures and the others are oblique.

Procedure 1: Borrowing, borrowing is the simplest of all translation methods. It would not even merit discussion in this context if translators did not occasionally need to use it in order to create a stylistic effect. In a story with a typical English setting, an expression such as "the coroner spoke" is probably better translated into French by borrowing the English term "coroner", rather than trying to find a more or less satisfying equivalent title from amongst the French magistrature, e.g.: "Le coroner prit la parole").
Procedure 2: Caique, A calque is a special kind of borrowing whereby a language borrows an expression form of another, but then translates literally each of its elements, e.g French calque: therapie occupationnelle, English source: occupational therapy.
Procedure 3: Literal translation, is the direct transfer of a SL text into a grammatically and idiomatically appropriate TL text in which the translators' task is limited to observing the adherence to the linguistic servitudes of the TL e.g Where are you? - Ou etes-vous?.
Procedure 4: Transposition, the method called transposition involves replacing one word class with another without changing the meaning of the message e.g Apres qu'il sera revenue - After he comes back.
Procedure 5: Modulation
Modulation is a variation of the form of the message, obtained by a change in the point of view. The type of modulation which turns a negative SL expression into a positive TL expression is more often than not optional, even though this is closely linked with the structure of each language, e.g.: It is not difficult to show. Il est facile de demontrer. The difference between fixed and free modulation is one of degree.
Procedure 6: Equivalence
The classical example of equivalence is given by the reaction of an amateur who accidentally hits his finger with a hammer: if he were French his cry of pain would be transcribed as "A'ie!", but if he were English this would be interpreted as "Ouch”.
Procedure 7: Adaptation
It is used in those cases where the type of situation being referred to by the SL message is unknown in the TL culture. Adaptations are particularly frequent in the translation of book and film titles e.g.:
Trois hommes et un couffin Three men and a baby. [film]
Le grand Meaulnes The Wanderer. [book title]

Application of the seven methods

F: Bulldozer
Science Jiction
Five o'Clock Tea

E: Fuselage
a la mode
Bon voyage
F: economiquement Lutetia
Lutetia Palace
Compliments de la Saison

E: normal school
Governor General
Take it or leave it
F: Peu profond
Donnez un peu de votre sang

E: Shallow
Give a pint of your blood
No vacancies

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Parafrase Lirik Lagu | Song Lyrics Paraphrase Josh Groban's The Prayer

This paraphrase is my interpretation about the song lyrics created by me as my past school task. Please if you want to use it, don't forget to paraphrase too, Okay :)

The Prayer by Josh Groban

I pray you'll be our eyes
And watch us where we go
And help us to be wise
In times when we don't know
Let this be our prayer
As we go our way
Lead us to a place
Guide us with your Grace
To a place where we'll be safe
La luce che to dai
I pray we'll find your light
Nel cuore restero
And hold it in our hearts
A ricordarchi che
When stars go out each night
L'eterna stella sei
Nella mia preghiera
Let this be our prayer
Quanta fede see'e
When shadows fill our day
Lead us to a place
Guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe.
Sognamo un mondo senza piu violenza
Un mondo di giustizia e di speranza
Ognuno dia la mano al suo vicino
Simbolo di pace e di fraternita
La forza che ci dai
We ask that life be kind
E'il desiderio che
And watch us from above
Ognuno trovi amore
We hope each soul will find
Intorno e dentro a se
Another soul to love
Let this be our prayer
Let this be our prayer
Just like every child
Just like every child
Needs to find a place,
Guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe
E la fede che
Hai acceso in noi
Sento che ci salvera


The Prayer song tells of someone who is praying that God always protects him everywhere and wherever he is and can be a guide when he does not know the direction because he believes that the way shown by God is the right choice, safe and wise in order to achieve His glory.
In addition, this song also tells about someone who hopes for justice for the world. The desire for a world of peace and upholding brotherhood. Also hope that the world will live happily without violence.
On the other hand, the lyrics of this song tell about love stories. Every soul will find another soul to be loved for their desires and prayers. The most important thing in this song is that someone hopes that faith always grows in his heart, so that every way or decision he takes is from the inner peace

Contoh Dialog dan Kartu Pos Dalam Bahasa Perancis

Halo.. Teruntuk kalian yang kuliah jurusan sasing atau sastra sastra lainnya hehe, mungkin kalian dapet mata kuliah Bahasa Perancis ya kan, nah ini aku ada contoh dialog yang aku buat saat aku mendapat kuliah Bahasa Perancis. Tapi ya gitu deh hanya dialog sederhana banget dan mohon maaf apabila masih salah atau kurang bener grammarnya. Oh ya, ada contoh kartu pos juga di bawah dialog! Untuk terjemahannya mohon maaf aku belum sempat menulisnya, silahkan di cek sendiri ya atau dicopas ke google translate juga silahkan hehe. Baiklah langsung saja check this out! Merci beaucop!

Dialog tentang ikon terkenal di Prancis:

1.      Dialog 1 :
A : Bonjour Andrienne
B : Bonjour Nicole, comment vas-tu?
A : Très bien. Et vous?
B : Bien. Où est-ce?
A : C'est à Strasbourg, c'est le pont de Strasbourg
B : D'accord. Merci beaucoup.

Dialog 2 :
A : Tu connais cet endroit?
B : Non je ne sais pas
A : Qu'est-ce que c'est?
C : C'est le Château de Chambord
A : Merci beaucoup.

2.      Kartu Pos tentang kota menarik di Prancis

Chère maman
Comment vas-tu? Je vais bien.
J'habite maintenant à Fontainebleau, dans le nord de la France. Fontainebleau est une ville magnifique, mais il y a beaucoup d'endroits intéressants. Il y a la tour Eiffel, Disneyland Paris, le Château de Versailles et le Château de Chambord. Le samedi après-midi, j'aime écouter de la musique classique. En général, je préfère sortir avec mes amis ou aller au café.
Tu me manques!
Et je vais bientôt visiter Jogja.


Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Brief Summary of American Studies (Government, Religion, Business, Education, Values, Dream) of United States of America

Government and Politics in the United States
The government in the United States is based on Federalism. While politics in US is Democracy Politics. US uses the government and politics method inside the country. However, US also want to Americanize the world overseas. This has been proved by several countries which have a standard of government and politics the same as America if we could see deeply. The US mostly are anti-communist in order to maintain the super power of America that US can Americanize the world. Most of country’s system in the world are influenced by America such as politics, economic, social, culture, religion and military.

Religion in the USA
US people keep maintain the principle of put God first in every kind of situation whenever and wherever. American people mostly Christian that divided into two faith they are Roman Catholic and Protestant. Denominations has completely distinguish the protestant to many kind of branches. Each individual has their own religious preferences. They are free to choose the center of religious life for them. For Roman Catholic, church became the center religious for people. Protestantism encourages a strong and restless desire for self-improvement. Material succeed might be the most respected form of self-improvement because Protestant heritage is responsible about this thing. Protestant also encourage the way to get wealthy is with hard work and self-discipline. However, the idea of humanitarianism includes in the way of Protestant live in America. It means people should help other individuals by giving their time, money, or things which are charitable. The experience of born-again is important for Christian and it is the way people to change their life better.

The World of American Business
The business of America is business capitalistic which means it is ownership business. The characteristic of business in America is the essential of private and profit. Business is directly or indirectly owned by private people and separated from government-owned. It also has a purpose of financial profit. Business in America is protected by the Government. People, place, product, price, promotion, and distribution are things that are managed by capitalist. Capitalist or business institutions have more prestige in the society than others. This is because people think that business is more efficient and well-run rather than government organizations. But people who do business should always be ready for competition because it is the major source of progress and prosperity. It is also based on American values that everybody has the equal opportunity so competition is respected. Business is the prestige thing for American because its tendency of the dream of getting rich. If each individual is rich, then a country must be rich. Entrepreneur and organization man became the hero for American business. America wants to be the world economic trading market and it has proven that US win the race of trading nowadays except for transportation things.

Education in the United States
America become the destination of higher education in the world. However, the establishment of public schools in America are exist. Educational institution in US reflect the basic values of the nation concentrating in the equality of opportunity. Americans believe that everyone has equal opportunity to get education from elementary school through college or higher education. America first applied the principle of equality by making schools open and financing them by taxes which collected from the citizen. Yet, some wealthier Americans opposed this kind of schools because they desire that public schools would educate people beyond their proper station. Starting from 1860, public elementary schools were established in the US. The next century and a half, public schools were expanded to secondary schools (grade 9-12) also with college both undergraduate and postgraduate studies. Americans assume their public school system as an educational ladder. The idea of educational ladder is the perfect reflection of American value that is success based on equality of opportunity to get education. Later on, private schools are open at the same levels but not supported primarily by public funds. Private schools have kind of private religious schools and public private schools. Some religious schools are associated with churches and get the financial support from them. Private schools might be open for any classes but some are not. The schools in America support the existence of extracurricular activities in order to lead up the student’s skills such as sports, arts, and others.

American Values at the Crossroads
America had the challenges in maintaining the American values. America had things that caused them more doubtful about the strength of their nation and the values. Communism would spread through Southeast Asia and in 1966 the struggle in Vietnam became a major cause of American war. Opponents attacked it was immoral for the US to determine the future of the country by doing such war. The war also attacked the nation’s basic values as corrupt. This happen when the period of protest against the war. The purpose of the war itself was to protect an ally of the US, South Vietnam against the communist North Vietnam. More than half a million American soldier were sent to achieve this purpose. However, because of the optimism and continuing abundance appeared to be less by the end of 1970s. The basic American values that have been spread and strengthened have reached at the crossroad in 1980s. America needed new national values after that and they were keep asking what values should be adopted. The experience of greater shortages of energy during 1970s made Americans tend to emphasis on conversation value. However, in the 1980s Americans reached at a critical point in their nation’s history where major danger and choices should be faced and made. On the other hand, Americans must avoid that there will be greater risks are coming up and they should ready to refuse to change their basic values even the chaos condition ever.

The Great American Dream
The American dream basically has 6 dreams but now it has developed more than it. American dream itself means the goals in life for American people. Goals means vision and mission of each individual.  American people keep dreaming since they were child until old. Then, dreams are transmitted through generations. America was the most perfect society in the world. American dream is the great contribution in US because its tendency of the pursuit of happiness. American society keep the thing that life should be better and richer and fuller for every individual with the same opportunity as the value of equality. The dream itself exist because of achievement in US. For American, welfare is an individual freedom. They always keep the character of optimist in every chance. However, American still put God the first thing of everything.

Pengalaman Apply Kerja di salah satu startup logistic di Indonesia

  As a result, we have decided to pursue other candidates who more closely fit our needs Itu adalah kalimat yang masuk ke emailku hari ini w...